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Past Trustees

Trustees are listed by last name, first name and date(s) of service.

Note: Prior to 1969, the university was governed by the Board of Regents; from 1969 to April 1991, when the first Board of Trustees was established, an Institutional Council governed the university. This list includes members of all three governing bodies.

Current trustees are shown in red type.


Anderson, A. Scott (July 2009-Sept. 20, 2001)

Anderson, Timothy B. (July 2005-July 2013)

Ashton, M. John (May 1983-July 1987)


Baker, Linn C. (July 1, 1969-June 20, 1973)

Barker, Desmond J., Jr. (July 1, 1979-June 30, 1987)

Barnes, AnnaMarie (ASUU president, May 2019-May 2020)

Barrett, Julie (June 2013-May 2017)

Bender, Jack (ASUU president, May 2016-May 2017)

Bennett, Douglas F. (May 1975-May 1976)

Berger, Zach (ASUU president, May 2017-May 2018)

Bernolfo, Joseph E., Jr. (July 1, 1976-June 30, 1979)

Boyer, H. Roger (February 2001-June 30, 2011)

Brain, M.L. “Bud” (July 1, 1976-June 30, 1979)

Brown, Lowell C. (April 1978-April 1979)

Brunisholz, Kim (July 2020-June 2023)

Buhler, David L. (July 1, 1999-October 2000)

Burbidge, Kenneth P. (July 1, 1993-January 1999)

Burton, H. David (July 2013-present)


Calder, Scott E. (ASUU president, May 1976-April 1977)

Callister, Louis H. (July 1, 1987-June 30, 1999)

Casper, Jeffery H. (ASUU president, May 1996-May 1997)

Cassity, Sally R. Burbidge (February 1999-June 30, 2003)

Clinger, Phillip W. (Alumni president, June 1993-May 1996; September 2011-June 2019)

Clough, Taylor (ASUU president, May 2009-April 2010)

Clyde, Edward W. (April 1, 1964-June 30, 1981)

Conant, Nan (July 1, 1985-March 1987)

Cooley, Andrew J. (April 1991-April 1992)

Crocker, Gary L. (July 1, 1997-June 30, 2005)


Dahlstrom, John A. (July 1, 1979-June 30, 1987)

Dalton, Jesse H. (ASUU president, May 2000-April 2001)

Dougan, J. Lynn (July 1, 1973-December 1973)

Dryer, Randy L. (ASUU president, May 1972-April 1973; July 1, 1981-June 30, 1985; Alumni president, June 1999-June 2002)

Dubitsky, Douglas (ASUU president, May 1998-April 1999)


Eccles, Cleone P. (July 1, 1987-June 30, 1997)

Eccles, C. Hope (May 2000-June 2009)

Eccles, Katie (June 2017-present)

Eccles, Lisa (July 2009-May 2017)

Edwards, William (ASUU president, May 2002-May 2003)

Evans, Burtis R. (July 1, 1967-June 30, 1971)


Floor, Emanuel A. (July 1, 1983-June 30, 1991)


Gale, G. Donald (July 1, 1990-June 30, 1993)

Garciaz, Maria (June 2021-present)

Gardner, Christian (July 2014-present)

Garff, Robert H. (July 1, 1991-June 30, 1999)

Garn, E.J. “Jake” (July 1, 1999-June 30, 2007)

Giauque, Richard W. (July 1, 1977-June 30, 1985)

Gillespie, Bettye B. (February 5, 1974-June 30, 1981)

Graham, W. Brett (ASUU president, May 1995-April 1996)


Hansen, Amy (July 1, 2003-June 30, 2005)

Hanson, DeAnne D. (July 1, 1977-June 30, 1985)

Harmon, H. Craig (ASUU president, April 1977-April 1978)

Harmston, Gordon E. (July 1, 1981-June 30, 1985)

Hasnain, Ali (ASUU president, May 2005-April 2006)

Hill, Spencer K. (ASUU president, May 1984-April 1985)

Hilton, Jeffrey L. (July 1, 2002-June 30, 2005)

Hinckley, Robert H., Sr. (July 1, 1965-June 30, 1973)

Hinckley, Robert H., Jr. (July 1, 1973-June 30, 1977)

Hola, Molonai T. (ASUU president, May 1989-April 1990)

Huntsman, David (July 2011-May 2015)


Ivory, Clark (July 2007-June 2014)


Jackson, Ambra (ASUU president, May 2015-May 2016)

Jardine, Chase (ASUU president, May 2010-April 2011)

Jardine, James S. (July 1, 1987-June 30, 1999)

Johnson, Adrian (ASUU president, May 2003-April 2004)

Jorgensen, Howard A. (May 1975-May 1979)


Kaly, Michael J. (ASUU president, May 1988-April 1989)

Kinard, Spencer (June 2005-May 2008)

Kirkham, Jacob (ASUU president, May 2006-April 2007)

Kum, Ephraim (ASUU president, May 2020-May 2021)


Lampropoulos, Anne-Marie (June 2017-present)

Latter, Fullmer H. (July 1, 1971-June 30, 1979)

Lewis, Leonard J. (July 1, 1985-June 30, 1993)

Lowe, Alex (ASUU president, May 2004-April 2005)

Lowe, Benjamin (ASUU president, May 2001-April 2002)

Luttrell, Claudia (July 1, 1997-March 2000)


Macfarlane, James L. (July 1, 1999-June 2007)

Matheson, Lorna H. (June 1, 1996-June 30, 1999)

Mattsson, Michele (Alumni president, May 2008-June 2011; July 2011-June 2016)

McAdams, Benjamin M. (ASUU president, May 1999-April 2000)

Morgan, Connor (ASUU president, May 2018-May 2019)

Morgan, Jacque (ASUU president, May 1987-April 1988)


Nebeker, Stephen B. (May 1987-May 1990)

Nelson, Mark A. (ASUU president, May 1983-April 1984)


O'Leary, Jack (ASUU president, April 2023 - April 2024)

Ortega, Cristina (September 2013-May 2017)

Ortiz, Sam (ASUU president, May 2013-April 2014)


Pace, Nancy K. (January 1, 1988-June 30, 1997)

Pack, Neela (ASUU president, May 2011-April 2012)

Parker, Scott S. (July 2005-June 2009)

Parkin, David (June 2017-present)

Paul, Mark H. (ASUU president, May 1986-April 1987)

Paulsen, Paige (ASUU president, May 1979-April 1980)

Pearson, Kevin W. (ASUU president, May 1980-April 1981)

Pearson, Spencer (ASUU president, May 2007-April 2008)

Price, John (July 1, 1991-June 30, 1999)

Price, J. Steven (June 2015-present)

Price, Taft (September 2011-January 2017)

Pugh, Donald E. (July 1, 1985-July 1987)


Rawlings, Calvin W. (July 1, 1965-June 30, 1976)

Reimherr, Patrick (ASUU president, May 2008-April 2009)

Riffo-Jenson, Lorena (July 2005-June 2009)

Rowe, Keven (Alumni president, July 2011-May 2014)


Salem, Bassam (June 2021-present)

Sargetakis, Joseph (Alumni president, May 2017-June 2020)

Scott, D. Brent (May 1979-May 1983)

Scruggs, H.E. “Bud” (July 1, 1999-October 2002)

Searle, Reed T. (July 1, 1989-June 30, 1997)

Seninger, Glenn (June 2023-present)

Shumway, Randy (July 2019-present)

Simmons, David E. (ASUU president, May 1981-April 1982)

Skaggs, Aline (July 1, 1979-July 14, 1983)

Sorenson, James Lee “Jim” (June 2016-present)

Soulier, Jason M. (ASUU president, May 1994-April 1995)

Spangler, Justin (ASUU president, May 2014-May 2015)

Stringham, Ned E. (ASUU president, May 1985-April 1986)

Stringham, Tom (ASUU president, May 1993-April 1994)


Taylor, Tamara (May 1992-May 1993)

Thomas, Shelly (July 1, 1997-March 2000)

Thompson, Geneva (ASUU president, May 2012-April 2013)


Valdez, Joyce P. (July 2009-August 2013)

VanderToolen (April 2022 - April 2023)

Vidalakis, Nicholas S. (July 1, 1983-June 30, 1991)


Wall, Jim (July 2007-June 30, 2011)

Watkins, Damond R. (ASUU president, May 1997-April 1998)

Watkiss, Dorothy (July 1, 1969-June 30, 1977)

Wilkinson, Gloria (May 2000-June 30, 2005)

Wooley, Harold (July 1, 1971-May 21, 1975)

Wright, W. Robert (July 1, 1985-June 30, 1989)

Wojciechowski, Jessica (ASUU president April 2022 - April 2023)

Wunderli, John P. (ASUU president, May 1990-April 1991)


Zaratzian, John N. (ASUU president, May 1982-April 1983)