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Board of Trustees Committees

Audit Committee
The Board of Trustees’ Audit Committee plays a vital role at the University of Utah in monitoring risks the university faces and in providing oversight to the U’s Internal Audit function. It meets with the president and the full board to discuss the results of both risk mitigation efforts and audits.

The following groups and individuals provide regular reports and updates to the Audit Committee:

  • Internal Audit
  • Office of General Counsel
  • NCAA Faculty-Athletics Representative (FAR)
  • Information Security Office
  • University of Utah Health Compliance
  • University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics Risk Management
  • Other auditors external to the university (e.g., Utah’s Office of the State Auditor)
The Committee meets at least three times a year, with additional meetings as needed. Committee membership consists of three to five members appointed by the chair, with at least three members being trustees. Audit Committee members serve two-year terms or until their successors are chosen and approved. When practicable, at least one of the committee members should have financial expertise, either through professional certification or experience.
Executive Committee
The Board of Trustees Executive Committee has full authority to act on routine matters during the interim between regular Board of Trustees meetings. The chair and vice chair of the Board of Trustees serve as the chair and vice chair of the Executive Committee. The chair of the Audit Committee also serves on the Executive Committee. Those three members select one or two additional Trustees to serve on the Executive Committee. Members of the Executive Committee serve two-year terms, or until their successors are chosen and qualified.
Honors Committee
The Board of Trustees Honors Committee, in consultation with the university president, recommends honorary degrees, recipients of portraits and other honors offered at the discretion of the committee. During spring semester of each year, the Honors Committee calls for honorary degree nominations from the university faculty, student body, staff, alumni and community at large. The university president and Honors Committee members collectively name a Commencement speaker and consider them for honorary degree designation. The Honors Committee also considers nominations for university-commissioned portraits after such requests have been submitted to and approved by the president. The Honors Committee is made up of six members, including the president of the Alumni Association, who serves as chair, and the ASUU president. The Trustees Executive Committee selects three Board of Trustees members and one faculty representative. Committee members, other than the ASUU president, serve two-year terms.